I am a certified list-maker.
Some of my lists are practical, others are fueled by my imagination and others, like this one, are God-led.
It's a list of ten people in my life who have had a remarkable impact on this heart of mine. It was easy to do and I could have added more friends, but I kept it at the nice, even number of ten. From there, I started writing down the details on how these incredible people bring out the best in me.The deepest ways in which they reach me.
It is the end result that I want to tell you about, so stay with me.
Melissa ~ endlessly patient with me, loves and values my words, thoughts and ideas, sees beyond and through my fears and guarded heart.
Vickie ~ not afraid of my pain. Her very presence speaks safety to me. When she is with me she's fully present and her touch is indescribably healing. I could stay with her for hours.
Karisa ~ is careful with me and hears me in the deepest ways. She is extraordinarily wise and is the rawest real with me than anyone I know. When I am with her, I am certain that I am being heard.
Elaine ~ can wrap me up in her arms and love me with a love that is as close to Jesus as I have ever found. She looks me in the eye, assures me I am ok. And she stays. When all hell breaks loose in my life, she stays and has even gone to great lengths to adopt me. Permanently.
Amy ~ has the ability to make me laugh. Really laugh.With her there is no judgement and no expectations, which leaves me room to be fully and gloriously myself. Which also means she is brave.
Margaret ~ is a powerful mediator and intercessor, She believes in me, fights for me and always tells me the truth wrapped up in unmitigated, impressive love.
Mom ~ is genuinely interested in what I have to say. She puts me first, lets me dream big and then stands behind me as I go after making those dreams a reality. She is generous.
Beth ~ leaves her door open for me. Accepts me and loves me without a single condition. She takes me in and sets me free all at once. She does not look away.
Mary ~ sees in me what I cannot or will not see for myself.....in all the best ways. She forgives me and her friendship is permanent.
PT ~ likes to be with me, needs me to show up and delights in the attention I give her. She leads the way.
This list makes me smile. It has become my way of tapping into the very nature of Someone who I have known for years but am just now getting to know.
I've decided to cease all apologies for being the deep person that I am. I can't deny any longer my great need for depth and connection.
The only relationship where I still find myself hiding is with the threesome; God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And His intention behind this list that I made was about so much more than looking at the people who He has surrounded me with out of pure goodness. Because I was unexpectedly faced with remarkable insight into the very heart of my Creator.....
He is endlessly patient with me, loves and values my words, thoughts and ideas and sees beyond and through my fears and guarded heart.
Jesus is not afraid of my pain. His very presence speaks safety to me. When He is with me He's fully present and His touch is indescribably healing.
He is careful with me and hears me in the deepest ways. He is extraordinarily wise and is the rawest real with me than anyone I know.
Jesus can wrap me up in his arms and love me with a love that is as close to perfect as I have ever found. He looks me in the eye, assures me I am ok. And He stays. When all hell breaks loose in my life, He stays and has even gone to great lengths to adopt me. Permanently.
Jesus has the ability to make me laugh. Really laugh.With Him there is no judgement and no expectations, which leaves me room to fully be myself. Which also means He is brave.
He is a powerful mediator and intercessor, He believes in me, fights for me and always tells me the truth wrapped up in some pretty impressive love.
He is genuinely interested in what I have to say. He puts me first, lets me dream big and then stands behind me as I go after making those dreams a reality. He is generous.
Jesus leaves His door open for me. Accepts me and loves me without a single condition. He takes me in and sets me free all at once. He does not look away.
He sees in me what I cannot or will not see for myself.....in all the best ways. He forgives me and His friendship is permanent.
Jesus likes to be with me, needs me to show up and delights in the attention I give Him.
He leads the way.

I had no clue that I was being set up. That He was about to reveal Himself to me in a way that He knew would set my feet to dancing.
This is my God.
This is who has been in relentless pursuit of my heart for so long.
This is who sits with me when I'm so lost and unsure of my next breath.
And this is who holds me when I think no one should ever want to hold me again.
Let me suggest that you try this. Make a list of ten people in your life who you like to be with. People who like to be with you. And who have made a deep, lasting impact on you and spent themselves for your good. Add the details of exactly how they love you or inspire you or see you.
Then....go back and rewrite your list but use your Creator's name in place of your friends.
This is how He wants you to know Him.
As for me, I will never see Him the same way again.
I do believe I am in love.